Well, it's been awhile since my last post and I'm still thrashing around in my studio trying to produce some new work...it may be a long time coming but I'm keeping at it and I promise to share once there is something worthwhile. It will take time.
Meanwhile here's my annual bird Christmas card and a few other things. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!
For our last Trading-Card session I had done some quick ink sketches of faces but found them a bit boring so decided to cover them with masks done on tracing-paper. The result is much more exciting and gave me an excuse to embellish like crazy.
The three following cards were done using the NEVR DULL method I learned from Kate Strickland in her demo article which appeared in the last issue of Ronna's publication, ATC Quarterly. I found it a lot of fun in an experimental way.
LOVE the kitties and happy you tired out the NEvrDull technique. It's really kind of fun. I think I'll do a few myself.
It is so nice to read your blog again. Always interesting to check out what you are doing, thinking. I really liked your ATCs last month -- so happy I got to trade with you. Hope you have a warm, peaceful holiday season and look forward to seeing you in 2010.
Ronna, you must find the kitties grown since you last held them at 1 1/2 pounds each!
Evlyn, thanks and have a wonderful holiday, working girl. I still have that article in the Gazette featuring your paintings.
Happy new year 2010.
The kitties are SO sweet!!
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