Here are some more of my paintings that are not on my walls which people have sent for my blog. Might as well post them now because the 'new works' are slow in coming. I keep going off in different directions recently and have a lot of iffy unfinished unconnected work. I think it means either I have too much to say or nothing at all. And one of my big concerns now is ending up with a studio full of pieces that will some day be somebody else's headache. Arg-h-h-h!
O.K. I'm going now, back to the drawing-board.
'Between A Rock and A Hard Place'
I sold these two watercolours about 15 years ago and the owners were kind enough to send me these images, having discovered my blog recently. Bill took classes with me and went on to become an accomplished painter in his own right. This one is called 'Chez Minou' so of course the next one is called...
Chez Pitou'
I painted this for my sister and her family who were living in the country at the time. I included their two horses, two cats, the dog and their daughters who are now young women in their twenties. Lots of good memories. Thanks for sending this, Lynne.
So glad you posted these, Fran. I was missing your posts and your thoughts. Can't wait for your new works.
Love them all.
It's thanks to you that I have access to so much, glad you have them on your walls. Somebody has to.
I love your painting style Fran. It blows me away every time I see them, which is often because I own one of yours too (the apple branch in the oval frame).
I don't think branching out (intentional pun) should concern you. There's a subconscious reason why you
feel the need to experiment. A sort of gathering of
experiences that may very well show itself in a future work. I think it's meant to be and shouldn't be viewed as unconnected. I do the same thing and consider it
a vacation from one type of endeavour to another that
makes me return in a refreshed state of mind. : > )
Joanna, you just said what i needed to hear and the fact that you are an artist too gives your comment weight.Thanks.
Wonderful watercolors
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