Frannie's Blog

My photo
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
I look for beauty and truth in everything. It's not always there of course but I try to find it or make it happen. I love people who make me laugh.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Art Fayre

Next weekend our third annual Art Fayre exhibition & sale opens in Dunvegan, a tiny crossroads in Eastern Ontario, easily accessed within an hour from Ottawa or Montreal. It all takes place on the southeast corner of the crossroads where you will find several authentic log buildings which have been transported to the site over the years and which house museum artifacts from an earlier time. Our exhibition will be hung in one of the buildings which from the outside looks small but is surprisingly spacious and light-filled once inside.

Seventeen artists will take part including painters, sculptors, ceramists and fibre artists. To add to the fair-like atmosphere we will have designated tents for hands-on activities like Artist Trading Cards, a Doodle Table and artist demonstrations of a casual nature. And of course there will be refreshments available on the wraparound porch.

Our co-ordinator par excellence, Flip Flockton, keeps us well organised and informed, so thanks, Flip, for all your 'gentle reminders' and superb leadership. May we have sunshine and tons of visitors!

This is what I'm showing at the Art Fayre.

Yes, I showed these in an earlier post entitled fabrications but I took these shots in the morning sun to catch the highlights. These fabric assemblages are a departure from my usual watercolour pieces on paper and under glass. The drawback of the latter is the glare you get from the glass, making hanging in an exhibition problematic. I've tried 'non-glare' glass but find it compromises the painting somewhat.
Anyway these little works look their best in the sunlight so let's hope for a sunny weekend!


Knatolee said...

You are so darn talented!! I love these.

frannie said...

Thanks Knat. See you on the weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing your fish rug! And your post on bees is hilarious.

javajazz said...

such beautiful work, Frannie...
still has that watery essence
even tho its a different medium.
the show sounds wonderful,
nice to be with
your fellow artists...!

frannie said...

Just can't get away from that water world!

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

So nice to see these again. They are so soft and beautiful.

Lynne said...

These are the bomb !!!! I love them. Hope you have a great show.

木村拓哉kimura said...
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