Frannie's Blog

My photo
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
I look for beauty and truth in everything. It's not always there of course but I try to find it or make it happen. I love people who make me laugh.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Unplanned Paintings

The Band

La Vie en Rose

Sometimes I like to be led into a painting by starting with no particular idea and letting the first bursts of colour and shape determine the end result. To do this I must be in a fluid mind-set and not give a damn what happens.

These three paintings were done this way, using strong watercolour washes and plastic-wrap to create movement. After the paper dries I remove the plastic-wrap and stare at it, trying to conjure up an idea to develop further. I find it sometimes helps to do this with a glass of wine in hand but then I won't feel like painting so much so I wait till the next day. Usually the idea sticks and I can then attack with abandon.


Lynne said... could attack with a band on !

frannie said...

Thankth for the comment, Sis. Please draw me a picture of a tack with a band on. That's your challenge of the day. It's from Sir Henry BLOGdust.

Gordon Bennett...The Blog said...

Really like the bird picture. Fantastic use of the medium and the colours are fabulous. Overall I think your work has great delicacy and charm.

frannie said...

I appreciate your kind words, Gordon.

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Love all three of these pieces. You definitely stayed free and loose and it worked. My favorite is the The Band. Wish I could see it larger.

frannie said...

Thanks. I named it after the band called THE BAND, late 70's & 80's, featured in the movie THE LAST WALTZ. Have you seen it?

佳怡 said...
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