Frannie's Blog

My photo
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
I look for beauty and truth in everything. It's not always there of course but I try to find it or make it happen. I love people who make me laugh.

Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Babies

My sister is a New-Year baby, though she probably doesn't find it such a thrill having to share her DAY with all the other holiday whoop-de-do. At least it's an easy birthday to remember and she is usually very well-feted with Champagne and such.
So for my New-Year post I present my Rock-a-Bye Babies. I used to make these when we lived on Vancouver Island, which has an abundant supply of smooth stones. I painted the babies with acrylics and sewed up little blankets for them. Many of them were sold to young girls with their Moms or Grannies on their way into the local theatre. The remaining babies travelled back east with us and were a handy amusement for our three-year-old grand-daughter, Alberta, who visited from Bella Coola, B.C. last summer.

I want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.

Here are the watercolour images of the babies, a set of Artist Trading-Cards which have found new owners among our group of avid traders in Dunvegan, Ontario. ( See Ronna's blog to find out about her ATC Quarterly, a very popular publication.)


Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

I love these. They would be such a great little gift for new mothers.
Just adorable!

frannie said...

Yes, I've given some to new moms and grans too.

Bebedores do Gondufo said...

I wish you a Happy New Year 2009.